Actions to Save the Planet
Welcome TervetuloaEnergiakriisiClimate Change IlmastonmuutosData of World Forests Imatran Voimasta Fortumiksi 1932-2013Planning of Optimal Power SystemsPlanning of Nuclear Power SystemsEnergian käyttäjän käsikirjaSukukirjat, Family booksStudies and consultations
Planning of Optimal Power Systems
Table of Contents
Aalto University 2016. 1
Aalto University 2016.2
Aalto University 2016.3
1. Fundamentals of Power Plants
2. Fundamentals of Emission Control
3. Planning of National Power Systems
4. Planning of Municipal Power Systems
5. Planning of Small and Micro Systems
6. Planning of Power System Reserves
7. Frequency Control and Regulating Reserves
8. Operating Reserves
9. Business Strategies of Electricity Markets
10. Business Strategies in Ancillary Service Markets
11. Profitability of New Power Plant Alternatives
12. World Electricity 2050
The folloing overheads have been created to serve as teaching materials for power system students. They include 12 sets and one set could be teached during one hour lecture:

1. Fundamentals of Power Plants

2. Fundamentals of Emission Control

3. Planning of National Power Systems

4. Planning of Municipal Power Systems

5. Planning of Small and Micro Systems

6. Planning of Power System Reserves

7. Frequency Control and Regulating Reserves

8. Operating Reserves

9. Business Strategies of Electricity Markets

10. Business Strategies in Ancillary Service Markets

11. Profitability of New Power Plant Alternatives

12. World Electricity 2050

The overheads have been used in Doctoral course in
 Lappeenranta University of Technology (Lut)

Welcome TervetuloaEnergiakriisiClimate Change IlmastonmuutosData of World Forests Imatran Voimasta Fortumiksi 1932-2013Planning of Optimal Power SystemsPlanning of Nuclear Power SystemsEnergian käyttäjän käsikirjaSukukirjat, Family booksStudies and consultations