World forests have been declining and forest losses have caused CO2 emissions, which are accelerating global warming. The forests can be also acting as storage of CO2, if the volume of living wood is increasing.
The largest losses in forest area is happening in Africa (2.8 Mha/a) and South America (2.0 Mha/a). Other areas includineg North and Central America, Europe and Asia have increased their forest area by planted forests.
In this book I have studied the country data given by FAO and found, which countries are losing their forests and which countries are using the forests as carbon sink. The data can be downloaded from the left link free of charge.
I am updating the data currently and will be pleased to get any comments. My email address can be found from links.
Metsistä ja hiilinieluista
Metsien hiilinielusta on kiistelty nyt ainakin kolme vuotta ja sen vuoksi ole tehnyt puolueettoman selvityksen "Metsien ja sahateollisuuden hiilinilelu ja Suomen CO2-päästöt vuonna 2019". Sen voi ladata vasemmanpuoleisesta valikosta.